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You still have not understood me,
And never will for ages to come.
You still talk about ‘19 May, 1919,’
And praise me and yourselves with stale words.

That is not how to understand Mustafa Kemal.
Mustafa Kemal’s cause is not one of words alone.

Let go that golden leaf,
Let the martyrs rest in memory,
Speak of what you have done for me.
Have you overcome poverty and want?

Bring me good news again,
Of new discoveries fit for civilized lands,
I want action from you, not words,
Do you understand?
Have you written the name of the Turk in space
With Ataturk’s capsule?

Understanding Mustafa Kemal means not being distracted,
Mustafa Kemal’s cause is not one of words alone.

Those sorrowful laments are still on your lips.
You still weep for me every November 10.
Wake up, I say. Awake, awake.
Other nations are exploring distant worlds.

Understanding Mustafa Kemal means being open,
Mustafa Kemal’s cause is not one of words alone.

If you love and understand me,
Spend your days in the laboratories, not the coffee houses.
Let knowledge and reading turn your hair white.
That is the only way to shed light on that eternal darkness.

Weeping is not how to understand Mustafa Kemal,
Mustafa Kemal’s cause is not one of words alone.

I brought you democracy and freedom.
But I see you are still where you were,
And you have made no progress.
You have fallen out amongst yourselves,
Instead of serving the people.
What became of electricity and plenty for our villages?
What became of unreserved smiles?

Simply hearing is not how to understand Mustafa Kemal,
Mustafa Kemal’s cause is not one of words alone.

I want you to catch up with developed nations.
Loathsome sycophants can lead nobody to science or art.
This nation, my beloved nation,
Wants you to work.
Put an end to self-praise and distraction.

Deception is no way to understand Mustafa Kemal,
Mustafa Kemal’s cause is not one of words alone.


Siz beni hala anlayamadiniz
Ve anlamayacaksiniz caglarca da
Hep tutturmus "Yil 1919 Mayisin 19u" diyorsunuz
Ve eskimis sozlerle beni övüyor, övüyorsunuz

Mustafa Kemal'i anlamak bu degil.
Mustafa Kemal ülküsu sadece söz değil.

Birakin o altin yapragi artik
Birakin rahat etsin anilarda sehitler
Siz bana neler yaptiniz ondan haber verin
Hakkindan gelebildiniz mi yoklugun, sefaletin?

Mustafa kemal'i anlamak yerinde saymak değil
Mustafa Kemal ülküsu sadece söz değil.

Bana mustular getirin bir daha
Uygar uluslara esit yeni buluslardan
Kuru soz degil is istiyorum sizden anladiniz mi?
Uzaya Turk adini Ataturk kapsulleriyle yazdiniz mi?

Mustafa Kemal'i anlamak avunma degil
Mustafa Kemal ülküsu sadece söz değil.

Hala o acikli agitlar dudaklarinizda
Hala oturmus bana On Kasimlarda agliyorsunuz
Uyanin artik diyorum, uyanin, uyanin!
Uluslar fethine cikiyor uzak dunyalarin
Mustafa Kemal'i anlamak goz boyamak degil!
Mustafa Kemal ülküsu sadece söz değil.

Beni seviyorsaniz eger ve anliyorsaniz
Laboratuvarlarda sabahlayin, kahvelerde degil
Bilim agartsin saclarinizi, kitaplar
Ancak boyle aydinlanir o sonsuz karanliklar

Mustafa Kemal'i anlamak aglamak degil
Mustafa Kemal ülküsu sadece söz değil.

Demokrasiyi getirmisim size ozgurlugu
Goruyorum ki hala ayni yerdesiniz hic ilerlememis
Birbirinize dusmussunuz halka egilmek dururken
Hani koylerde isik, hani bolluk, hani kaygisiz gulen?

Mustafa Kemal'i anlamak itismek degil
Mustafa Kemal ülküsu sadece söz değil.

Arayi kapatmanizi istiyorum uygar uluslarla
Bilime, sanata varilmaz rezil dalkavuklarla
Bu vatan, bu canim vatan sizden calismak ister
Paydos ovunmeye, paydos avunmaya, yeter yeter

Mustafa Kemal'i anlamak aldatmak degil
Mustafa Kemal ülküsu sadece söz değil.


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